Our Team
Med in Motion associates are graduates of reputable National and European Medical Schools, Colleges and Universities, their diplomas are associated with state and national professional licenses.

Roman Kelner M.D.
received his diploma from the 2nd Moscow State Medical University named after Pirogov, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Dr. Roman Kelner is the principal inventor of several patents in general and cosmetic surgery, and wound care fields.

Dmitry K. Pasikhov M.D.
attained his diploma from of FUHS / The Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. Dmitry Pasikhov has multiple publications in respectful National and International scientific magazines such as SURGERY, AMERICAN SURGEON, and Current Clinical and Scientific Perspectives in Gastroenterology.

Barry Jilin B.S.
graduated from DePaul University in Chicago, earning a B.S. in Finance.
He is the CEO of a financial services company with two Chicagoland locations.

Mark Kelner
graduated from Loyola University Chicago, earning degree in Molecular Biology.
He is currently holding marketing and research position with MedinMotion.
Med in Motion's associates and consultants are highly acclaimed and skilled professionals who are experts in their specialties, and are active within an impressive network of business contacts in the medical, pharmaceutical, marketing, distribution, research and development.